Hi! I’m Erin, a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Personal Trainer. My mission is to help you reach your health and fitness goals in a simple, sustainable way that doesn’t require a strict diet. To get you the best results, I focus on the 3 foundations of healthy living: food + nutrition, workouts + activity, and mindset + attitude.
Whether your personal goals include weight loss, muscle gain or anything in between, mastering these 3 foundations will take your results to the next level! This is why I’m so excited to work with Cail and Pump and Crunch to offer 1:1 nutrition coaching sessions to help you maximize your results. This session is a great opportunity to receive some customized guidance and recommendations to get you started on your goals.
If you’re interested in an even higher level of accountability and customization and you’re ready to make major progress, my Fit Foundations program could be the perfect fit for you! Click here for more details and to fill out the Fit Foundations application!
If you have any questions or you just want to connect, feel free to reach out to me through Instagram @fit.chick.nutritionist or email: erin@fitchicknutritionist.com
I’m so excited to help you maximize your results and achieve your goals!
- Erin